To view complete review by Elisabeth J. on 10/20/2017 visit Better Business Bureau

We used to board one of our dogs the wedding week. She came back with a severe cough that spread to all of our other pets. That’s right, she came back with the flu.

Long story short, I contacted the woman that at least one of her dogs are obviously ill and I contacted Rover who basically said “not our problem” while our vet bills pile in. She still shows as active on the app and has FIVE dogs with the illness.

I deleted the app and wrote that experience off as a loss . The vet said that even with the vaccine, that the flu is still contagious so please be careful who you board your dogs with.

BBB review Rover pet care dog sick

BBB review Rover pet care dog sick

Disclaimer:  All the information on this page was copy/pasted from an external site.  Links are included.  I did not personally write the article nor do I personally know who wrote the article.  Nor do I know the pet owner.  If you have questions or need to contact anyone concerning the information posted in the article above you will need to click the link(s) listed.  

If you have not had the opportunity to read my review and view my video about my precious little rescue dog Jazzy who was killed by a car on a major interstate, please read!  The information may save your pets life.

My Review by Heather


This video is not endorsed by, PetVacay or any of their subsidiaries. All the information described in this video is solely an interpretation of my personal experience and not for you to be swayed by my personal opinion….